It’s May in Indiana and you know what that means! Everything is about the race.  While things still look different, it’s encouraging to see race fans safely enjoying time at the IMS and to hear the sound of Indy cars roaring by spectators once again.

I don’t know about you, but these last few months have felt like a race.  It seems like days, weeks, and months are zipping by me and each one looks different than the last.  As things have begun to return to a new normal, I find myself looking at the track ahead and in the rearview mirror more than ever to see where I’ve been and what is waiting for me around the next turn.

Even though I’m not an Indy car driver, sometimes I pace my life like I am one.  But just like a newbie driver I more-often-than-not forgo the pitstop and keep making my way around the track until I blow a tire or run out of fuel.  I’ve been around the track enough times to know better.

I’ve also seen what living a full and sustainable life can look like modeled in the life of Jesus.  You and I know that often doesn’t look like the success we model today. Jesus made his way from town to town – from house to house at his pace. Even when followers tried to rush him, he stayed true to his rhythm, grounded, spending time with the Father and investing in those around him.

Next month we have an opportunity to slow things down for an evening and celebrate what Your support of the residents of Sheltering Wings has helped them accomplish.  The Premier Event is our largest event of the year and also one of the most impactful nights of the year for the Shelter.

This year, the theme is “Walk in Their Shoes.” On the fun side we’re asking folks to wear funky or over the top shoes. We are also excited to be joined by Kristin and Danny who will entertain and inspire us. If you haven’t seen their videos yet, you’re in for a treat!   On the serious side, we will be celebrating your walk alongside our residents on the courageous path they are taking as they make their way toward safety and independence.

Would you join us and sponsor a table at this year’s Premier Event? If you have any questions about attending this year, please let me know.

Grace and peace,

P.S. Keep your eye out for Christmas in July as we rally together to support our residents for the second half of the year!

Our Annual Premier Event “Walk in Their Shoes”

Join us for our Annual Premier Event on Friday, June 11, 2021 featuring content creators, best known for their funny lip-sync mashups, Kristin and Danny!
>>Learn More

Christmas in July

Your overwhelming support during the holiday season takes us all the way to summer. Those donations are a lifeline for survivors. Christmas in July is a way to continue the cheer through the second half of the year.

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Volunteer Opportunities

If you have a talent, interest or skill and if you are passionate about our mission to break the cycle of domestic abuse, there’s a place for you to volunteer at Sheltering Wings.

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