The Silent Victims

A child or teenager who witnesses domestic violence can be harmed as much as if they were abused themselves.

How powerful is the effect of intimate partner violence on a child in the home? According to research in the past 2 or 3 years, an infant’s brain can be stunted and harmfully rewired even if they are exposed to domestic abuse while still in their mother’s womb.

It’s not surprising, then, that children and teenagers traumatized by seeing domestic violence are 11 times more likely to grow into adult abusers or victims themselves. The key is immediate intervention by trained professionals.

That’s what Sheltering Wings offers the youth under our roof.

First, we provide 24-hour crisis intervention services for kids. But they need ongoing and consistent care. We offer children’s support groups and age-appropriate classes to help them figure out how to create the life and healthy relationships they desire.

40 Developmental Assets for Children and Teenagers

We follow the 40 Developmental Assets framework developed by the Search Institute. Developmental Assets are the 40 positive supports and strengths that young people need in their lives if they are to be likely to succeed.

According to Search Institute, “Young people from all backgrounds do better when they have a strong foundation of these strengths in their lives.” These internal and external assets can be grouped into eight categories:

  • External Assets: Support. Empowerment. Boundaries and Expectations. Constructive Use of Time.
  • Internal Assets: Commitment to Learning. Positive Values. Social Competencies. Positive Identities.

Learn more about developing these assets in your home and community.

Learn more and get involved

Is this abuse?

Access information, insight and tools for recognizing and responding to abuse.

Prevent abuse

You can help victims in your neighborhood, church, school and workplace.

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