It’s February and we are solidly into 2022! I don’t know about you, but I’m still reflecting on 2021. What a year! With your support, Sheltering Wings was able to: 

  • Answer 1,374 Crisis calls 
  • Provide emergency shelter for 274 survivors 
  • Walk with survivors as they take the next steps towards healing and a safe and stable future 
  • Open Haven Homes, where Sheltering Wings survivors can afford their rent and continue to build a new life 

We are so grateful for your help in making this possible – financially, through training in our churches, and volunteering! 

We have a big year planned in 2022 and I want to make sure you have the opportunity to mark your calendars for what is ahead! 

I’ll be following up with more information about how your congregation can get involved as we get closer to these events, but I wanted to make sure you had them on your calendar.  If any of them stick out to you and you’d like to start a conversation now, please let me know and we’ll get the ball rolling! 

I am continually reminded of the role you play in the response to domestic abuse in our community. Your partnership is truly essential in being able to support victims in abusive situations when they are ready to take action towards safety, towards a better life.   

THANK YOU for being the presence of Christ for victims, letting them know it doesn’t have to be this way, and that they don’t have to do this alone. 

Grace and peace,

We Are Hiring!

If you are passionate about helping others and are seeking a rewarding career, please consider joining our team! We have multiple full-time and part-time positions available!

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Schedule Training Today

Do you have a group that would like to learn more about domestic abuse and how to solve it as a community?  We have speakers available to come to you and share about the impact of domestic abuse and how you can help those in need. All trainings are customizable to fit your organization’s needs.

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February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Every February, young people and their loved ones join together across the country for a national effort to raise awareness about the issue of teen dating violence through Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM). This annual, month-long emphasis focuses on advocacy and education.

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