What’s your mission?

We all have a mission in life. Our mission is what gives us our why or is why we really exist. What’s your mission? Why do you really exist? As a Christ follower, our mission is to Love Jesus and Love others.  Through Monday on Mission, a live stream/podcast, our focus is to encourage, equip and empower our listeners to live their best life now, by loving Jesus and loving others.

Earlier this month Sheltering Wings Prevention and Education Officer, Melissa Echerd, was our guest. February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. This year’s theme is Know Your Worth. Here are just a few highlights of what Melissa shared.

Many times, people engage in unhealthy relationships because they don’t know their worth. In a “normal” year, Sheltering Wings spends three days in local school’s health classes helping young people identify their worth, along with what healthy relationships look like, as well as what unhealthy relationships look like and how they often get started.  By dealing with basic topics like jealousy, talking negatively about others, or what we want and expect in a healthy relationship, potentially abusive relationships can be identified, and hopefully avoided.

I’m truly thankful for Sheltering Wings and Melissa making the investment to help the next generation know their worth. What greater mission could we have than to let people know they are made in the image of God and because of that alone, their worth is indescribable?

Sheltering Wings can connect you with a team member if you’d like your congregation (adults and teens alike!) to learn more about healthy relationships. Please email Melissa at mecherd@shelteringwings.org.


Jonathan Lilly
Pastor, Harmony Baptist Avon




The Youth Council Needs YOU!

We are looking for students from all the schools in Hendricks county to join but we are specifically in need of representation from Brownsburg High School and Tri-West High School for more information on Teens That Talk

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February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, learn how you can help young people know their worth and navigate their relationships in a healthy way.

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Join us for our Annual Premier Event
“Walk in Their Shoes”

Join us for our much anticipated Annual Premier Event on Friday, June 11, 2021 at Embassy Suites in Plainfield.
Stay tuned for our VIP announcement coming soon.

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