One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the story of Nehemiah and his brave leadership during a time of severe social and spiritual upheaval. Nehemiah’s context was different from ours. But, the parallels for church leaders during this time of great social and spiritual struggle are too profound to ignore.

Today might be a good time for a fresh re-reading of Nehemiah’s story. There’s one component I’d like to highlight. I hope it encourages you.

Nehemiah remained laser-focused on what mattered most.

His mission was to re-establish the city of Jerusalem. The city had been abandoned for a generation. Nehemiah led a remnant of God’s people back from exile with the purpose of rebuilding and repopulating the spiritual heart of their nation. But, circumstances beyond his control and opponents intent on derailing the process stood in the way.

I love Nehemiah’s response to the taunts of his most vocal adversary, Sanballat:

They were scheming to harm me; so I sent messengers to them with this reply: “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” Four times they sent me the same message, and each time I gave them the same answer. (Nehemiah 6:2b-4, NIV)

He refused to be pulled away from the work God had given him.

Spiritual leader, you are carrying on a great project.

Don’t let yourself or your people be pulled away from what matters most. You are doing a good work! You are shepherding hearts, minds and souls. You are keeping God’s people focused on the Gospel of Jesus’ sacrifice for rebellious sinners. You are working for the Kingdom of God, striving for justice and mercy, and making this world the kind of place in which God’s will is done as it is in heaven.

What matters most for you and your congregation right now?

The Church must be a beacon of hope, Truth and salvation. The Church must be known as a place of peace, justice, mercy and compassion, a place more interested in loving and serving people than winning arguments or accumulating power. The Church must be known as a place of the kind of deep, unconditional love that brings people of all colors, ethnicities and cultures together instead of keeping them separate.

The spiritual stakes are high. Keep carrying on your great project!

Don’t give up. Don’t get distracted. You are carrying on a great project – the most important work you could do. And, God will see you through. We’re with you!

Serving Him together,

Kevin Carr
Communications & Church Relations Officer

P.S. Please continue scrolling. I’m excited to share about a new page on our website designed specifically for church leaders,  an educational series we’re rolling out and how your church can participate in Christmas in July.

I am a Faith Leader

Overwhelmingly, a faith leader or fellow congregant will be the first person a victim of domestic violence tells about their abuse. This puts an incredible responsibility on your shoulders. When you hear from a victim of domestic abuse, will you be ready?

Summer Series

This is a strange summer. But, that doesn’t mean it can’t be fruitful and productive for our families. Check out our summer series for tips, tools and activities families can use to build assets in their children’s hearts and lives. (This would also be a great resource to share with your children’s and student ministry teams.)

Christmas in July

Visit our website to learn how your congregation can get involved in Christmas in July. While you’re there, download the wish list, access promotional materials and learn about our matching gift drive.