Men, it goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, that when it comes to the beginning of a relationship with the woman you married, the way she arrived in your heart was through your eyes. That’s the way it works….every time for every man. It does not work that way for her as she looked at you through her heart.

After I got my degree in marriage counseling last Wednesday on-line, it occurred to me that a short commentary on this subject might be interesting to write.

Her love for you began, and is today, based on issues of substance. Are you responsible? Are you a good provider? Are you loyal? Do you respect her opinions? Are you sensitive to her feelings? Do you work at sustaining a loving and quality relationship? The question then becomes, has your love for her moved beyond your eyes?

If your marriage produced children to love, it also produced children to teach. As Mother’s Day approaches on May 13, why don’t we all recommit to strengthening our marriages in a visible and sincere way? As many of you know, as time passes, we begin to take a number of things for granted. Perhaps at the top of that list is the special woman in our life. Not only will our wives say to themselves, “well isn’t this wonderful…..what is this about?” It will also speak to our children (and grandchildren) as they will witness our commitment to the love of our lives. The example we set for our children will not work if this meaningful initiative is endorsed by us for a day or two. If it needs to be a life change, then so be it, as we recognize the profound and wonderful relationship that marriage can and intends to provide.

Let your children witness daily the love you have for their mother and your wife. Doing so will set a standard in their lives that may endure for generations to follow.

Bob Leonard
Board Member, Sheltering Wings
A Man IN Action