Over the last 18 years I have bought and remodeled hundreds of ugly structures, turning them into nice houses. However, I am still working on building one awesome, God honoring home.
Just like a house requires a solid foundation, so does our home. Building a better home has been much harder to me than simply building a nice house. We can’t hire out this type of work. We need to create the margin and actually get into the weeds. We need to get dirty ourselves. Creating an atmosphere of love and a place of belonging takes time. Most of the time we put effort into what we can see; what is measurable. It’s easy to see the work needed around the house. Pulling into the driveway after work we notice the lawn which needs mowed, the weeds which need pulled, the garage which needs cleaned. But how often do we come home and think about the work needed inside the house to make it a better home.
To me, a good home means a place where those inside feel safe and loved, a place where the word of God is shared and the love of Jesus is felt. I have heard it said “people may not remember what we said but will always remember how we made them feel.” Well, then perhaps people will also remember more about how they felt in our home rather than the appearance of the house.
Whether we own a house, rent an apartment, or we are in transitional housing, we can work on our home. If our home is where our heart is, then we better be working on our heart and the hearts of those inside our temporary structure. While our Father in Heaven is preparing a place for us, let us also work with an eternal focus. Let’s build stronger foundations for better homes!
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
James Boyce
Mission House Realty Broker/Owner
A Man IN Action

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