A New Resource is Available for Workplace Domestic Violence Preparedness!

With gratitude,

Cassie Mecklenburg
Executive Director

Domestic Violence Awareness & Prevention Month

Did you know that October is Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month?

Check back soon to see our events and resources!

Haven Homes

Haven Homes provides beautiful, affordable apartments in an environment that promotes independence and stability. With a caring and supportive community, Haven Homes serves as a stable base for you and your family to thrive.

A friend of mine, a local businessman, shared a story with me recently that could happen to anyone. An employee’s angry boyfriend caused an emotional, disruptive, frightening scene at the workplace. Two coworkers intervened on the employee’s behalf and got the boyfriend to leave. The frightening confrontation confirmed what many of them had suspected: the woman they worked with every day and liked so well was in an abusive relationship at home.

That incident was a turning point. The woman told my friend she was ready to leave her abuser. Would they help? So, my friend and a colleague took her home to pack. As they stood in her driveway, tense and on edge as she gathered her belongings, the colleague turned to my friend and said, “What are we going to do if her boyfriend comes home?” And my friend, a savvy, caring businessman, looked at him blankly and said, “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

We don’t ever want you, as an employer or faith leader or person in charge of any group, to find yourself in that situation. Rather, we want you to know what to do – for your safety and theirs.

That’s why we created freedomideserve.org, a source for training business leaders and employees, church leaders and members, and others how to support victims of domestic violence – and what we all can do to break the cycle. At freedomideserve.org, you’ll find policy templates, conversation starters, and signs of domestic violence to watch out for. All these resources can be complemented with virtual or onsite training by Sheltering Wings staff.

We’re all used to being prepared for fires, tornados and now even active shooters … Let’s also be prepared in the event domestic abuse invades our workplaces and churches or when someone we know needs a person to turn to for support and safety. Visit freedomideserve.org. And thank you for caring.