Four years ago Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become President of the United States. Republicans cheered. Democrats lamented.

Fast forward to an all-too-eventful 2020 and we find ourselves on the back end of another election. Despite a few legal challenges that the experts say will do little to alter the outcome, our nation finds itself in a familiar place. Now, Democrats are the ones cheering the election of Joe Biden as the next President of the United States while the Republicans are the ones lamenting.

Our nation will survive.

It has survived in the past. We will survive this unfortunate set of circumstances. And, I guarantee there will be a difficult situation in the future; we’ll survive that, too. The simple fact is that our nation is more than one individual, even when that individual is the President. Our nation’s ability to set aside political squabbles and to unite for the common good is what has always made our nation great. In fact, we don’t need to be great again because America was never anything less than great. The American spirit is indomitable.

Why am I so confident?

I’m glad you asked. I’m confident because there are still many good men and women in our nation – the select few who serve in the halls of power and millions more whose names will never end up on a ballot. The good people have an immeasurable preserving and sustaining effect on the climate of our nation. And, I’m optimistic this will continue to be the case.

But, this won’t happen by mistake or chance. We have to act. Now is the time for the good men and women of the United States – whether they are Republican, Democrat or otherwise – to roll up their collective sleeves and get back to work solving the real-world problems of domestic violence, racism, hunger, homelessness, and of course, Covid-19. Take heart, be brave, show kindness, and don’t fear. …

In four years, we will all go through this again!

Jeremy Echerd
A Man IN Action

P.S. If you’re looking for a way to do good as the holidays approach, consider donating items from our wish list to our residents and their children.

Wish List

You can help Christmas be merry and bright for our residents and their children by donating items from our wish list. Download and print a shopping list visit the store or use our Amazon wish list and let them handle the delivery.


After Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, comes GivingTuesday. Thanks to Hendricks County Community Foundation, each gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $6,250. Don’t miss this chance to double your donation!

Pay It Forward

Sheltering Wings celebrates 19 years of service on January 12, 2021. The best gift you could give us is to perform a random act of kindness in our honor and to encourage the recipient to pay it forward. Learn more and make plans starting today.