A few years ago, when I was serving as an associate minister at a local church, I scheduled a local mission emphasis day in October. The featured partner: Sheltering Wings! (I was a big fan long before joining the team.) The whole thing seemed appropriate because, as you know, October is Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.

I confidently walked to the center of the stage to introduce executive director Cassie Mecklenburg to the congregation so she could share a few words.

“I’d like to introduce you to one of our local partners,” I began. “Before I do, I want to point out that October is Domestic Violence Appreciation Month.”

I paused, not quite sure what had happened. But, the faces on the front row assured me I had done something wrong. I rewound the tape in my head and recognized my error. I quickly corrected myself and poked fun at my mistake. (One of my mentors always told me, whenever I laid an egg, to stand back and admire it!) Cassie was gracious. And, all was well.

Perhaps some of my confusion comes from the fact that October is also Pastor Appreciation Month.

Awareness and appreciation are two very different things, of course. But, this feels like an appropriate time to express my appreciation to you for two reasons. (There are many more. But, I only have space for these.)

We appreciate your support and for your work in helping us raise awareness.

Sheltering Wings was born out of the local church. Since before we opened our doors, local congregations have been among our most faithful and generous supporters, not only financially but spiritually, emotionally and physically. Pastors and church members have lifted us up in prayer, come alongside us to provide tremendous encouragement, and been among our most committed, selfless and talented volunteers. We know this is because of the work you – our incredible parter-partners – have done to raise awareness. Thank you.

We appreciate you for your tireless ministry to your congregations and our community.

So much of the work you do happens behind closed doors, unseen and unappreciated. While I know you don’t serve the Lord in order to receive recognition from people. You’ve read Matthew 6:1-4! However, we’ve read 1 Thessalonians 5:12. You are worthy of honor and appreciation. So, please accept our gratitude, admiration and respect. The work you do is not in vain. “At just the right time, [you] will reap a harvest of blessing if [you] don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9).

I’m glad Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month and Pastor Appreciation Month are one and the same. Just don’t rely on me to keep them straight when I’m in front of a crowd with a mic in my hand!


Kevin Carr
Communications and Church Relations Officer

P.S. Domestic violence reports are climbing sharply in Indy. Please remember Sheltering Wings in your church’s fourth-quarter giving so we can remain well-positioned to provide hope and healing to survivors and their kids. Contact me with questions.

Dine Out Against Domestic Violence

Pick up a box of purple donuts tomorrow (Thu., 10/22) and help us raise awareness! Participating bakeries include: Carl’s (Avon), Jack’s (Plainfield and Avon), Hilligoss (Brownsburg) and Reds (Danville).

>> Learn More


Tomorrow is also #PurpleThursday, a national day set aside to raise awareness about domestic violence. Wear purple and post a selfie on social media tagging @ShelteringWings and using #PurpleThursday.

>> Learn More

Browse the SWag Shop

A portion of every dollar spent on the merchandise in the Sheltering Wings SWag Shop benefits our work. And, be sure to check out purple #DVAPMonth2020 items before they’re gone!

>> Shop