If you’ve ever been nine months pregnant or if you’ve ever taken a ride on a donkey, you’ll have an idea of how difficult it must have been to ride a donkey 100 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem at full-term. It had to have been uncomfortable, if not painful, and more than a little frightening for Mary. She had been forced to leave her home and didn’t know what was going to happen to her … or her baby.

When she arrived in town, no one took her in. Someone begrudgingly allowed her to stay in a stable.

We can definitely draw parallels between Mary and the women who come to Sheltering Wings − some of them pregnant, some with little children in tow and all of them scared and looking for a warm, safe place to stay.

Just ask Rachel.

Rachel was being abused. Moreover, the lifestyle she shared with her partner had resulted in drug addictions and, now, thoughts of suicide. Unable to help her daughter herself, Rachel’s mother frantically called Sheltering Wings’ helpline. Rachel had a 1-year-old daughter in that house, she said, and was pregnant with another child who was due soon. Her mother was distraught at what might happen to the baby, to Rachel and to her helpless granddaughter. She couldn’t take them in, and they had nowhere else to turn … until Sheltering Wings persuaded a reluctant Rachel to come here.

Where is Rachel today? She delivered a healthy baby. She is excelling in school. She has secured a decent job. And, she is taking care of herself and her children.

Best of all, she has learned to believe in her own self-worth … and now her children have a chance to do the same.

It’s unthinkable that people would turn away a pregnant Mary as she looked for help. It’s unimaginable that someone would abuse a pregnant woman. But pregnancy is no guarantee that people will be gentle, and it’s certainly no guard against domestic violence.

If you or someone you know needs help – or even if you’re not sure – call our 24-hour helpline at (317) 745-1496.