The only way to end domestic violence is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

On average, 24 people every minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States (The National Domestic Violence Hotline). Sheltering Wings helps as many men, women and families as we can, thanks to generous people like you … and we work hard to education everyone else. In a typical year, we reach 20,000 people in the community through a variety of outreach initiatives.

This Domestic Violence Awareness Month, consider hosting one of our educational programs that donors, volunteers and staff make possible:

Understanding Domestic Violence

Our most popular presentation gives an overview of domestic violence: definitions and statistics, types and signs of abuse, the power-and-control model, reasons victims stay or can’t leave, abuse’s effects on children, as well as the traits of safe, healthy relationships.
Time requirement: Ideally, 90 minutes, but can be tailored to the amount of time available.

Domestic Violence & the Workplace

In-service staff development presentations about domestic abuse, signs that people are in unsafe relationships and steps to take when you suspect abuse. We examine the impact of domestic violence from lost wages, increased insurance claims, workers’ compensation, job performance, employer liability and more and offer sound advice on helping employees and protecting businesses.
Time requirement: Ideally, one hour, but can be tailored to the amount of time available.

Teen Dating Violence

Ideal for parents, schools and youth groups, this customized interactive program lets the audience explore the dynamics of teen dating. The session includes how to identify types and signs of potential abuse and steps to exit relationships safely.
Time requirement: Ideally, a one-day session, but can be tailored to the amount of time available.

Church Leaders Recognizing Domestic Abuse

This presentation is designed specifically to equip pastors and lay leaders with the best ways to respond to someone who is or may be a victim of abuse. We offer practical strategies to help abuse victims and their families.
Time requirement: Ideally, 90 minutes, but can be tailored to the amount of time available.

Building Developmental Assets

Rooted in positive youth development and resiliency, Developmental Assets are researched-based qualities that help young people grow into thriving self-reliant adults. This framework has proven time and again to preventing first-time occurrences by reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors. This training is ideal for any and every community member and group.
Time requirement: 4 hours.

Participatory volunteer programs:

Teens That Talk

Teens Who Talk is a group of local students who volunteer to raise awareness about teen dating violence and healthy teen relationships among their peers in schools, communities and social circles through education, fundraisers, social media campaigns and volunteering.
Time requirement: Up to each teen participant.

Men IN Action

This group of engaged and informed men works to develop positive social behaviors to end all forms of violence, including domestic violence and teen dating abuse. They equip and encourage men to build each other up, hold one another accountable, challenge the status quo and navigate life by being positive role models for our youth and each other.
Time requirement: Up to each participant.

Please join us in educating our community about domestic violence. We offer these programs at no cost (though donations are always welcome!). For more information, to schedule a presentation for your company, church or organization – or to ask about joining Teens Who Talk or Men IN Action – please contact Melissa Echerd at (317) 386-5061.