The mission of Sheltering Wing states, “We build stable and independent lives through essential programs offered in a supportive and Christ-centered environment.” However, what does building stable and independent lives actually look like?

When most people hear Sheltering Wings, they think immediately of a shelter and the fact that people from domestic violence situations can safely reside with us. This is true. However, there is so much more to who we are and what we do!

We assist not only those who need to reside with us but we also help survivors who may not need our residential accommodations. It starts with getting to know the survivor and evaluating their needs. But the focus is on getting them where they want to be!

To that end, case management equips each survivor to meet their goals and overcome challenges. Our case managers will work with the survivor to map out a plan of action. Resources are provided and they will guide each individual through the processes, equipping them to do these tasks on their own, while encouraging and holding accountable when needed. All to keep them moving forward towards their destination of becoming safe and independent.

Survivors can also take advantage of our support groups and classes developed specifically towards areas that support independence. These focus on four main areas: Education, Job Skills, Family Development and Healing Hurts & Opportunity (emotional and mental health support). Here are examples of what we offer to any survivor:

Embracing Empowerment: is a 12-week support group that educates survivors on domestic abuse and healthy relationship building.

Allstate Foundation-Moving Ahead Curriculum: was developed in partnership with the National Network to End Domestic Violence. The 5-week class includes Understanding Financial Abuse, Learning Financial Fundamentals, Mastering Credit Basics, Building Financial Foundations and Creating Budgeting Strategies.

Computer Basics: introduces residents to the fundamental concepts and operations necessary to use computers. Emphasis is on basic functions and familiarity with computer use.

FamJam: is part of our parenting education program. Designed for parent and children to attend together, this class helps improve communication skills, encourages growth in faith and educates on the 40 Developmental Assets, positive elements that young people need to succeed (for more information click here).

So stable and independent takes on a special meaning. Ultimately, our goal is to prepare hearts, bodies and minds so that the survivor is able to walk with head held high, ready to conquer any future challenge. We then refer to them as a THRIVER!