The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.


Sometimes, I get an idea I ruminate over endlessly. If it’s looking forward to a fun adventure with my nephews, I don’t mind letting the thought consume me. But when I’m thinking about a particularly challenging, hurtful, or frustrating experience, I’d rather not stew on it.

That’s when our thoughts can take control of us if we let them. We may focus on what is going wrong instead of finding solutions to make things go right. If we can share those thoughts with someone we trust, it helps us find clarity and develop a plan. Often, finding the right plan requires some time and a journey.

Last year, one of our supporters stepped up and helped us establish the funding to hire a staff therapist who could be a trusted person for the families we serve. Most of them desperately need someone who can listen to their stories, help them unpack their experiences, understand their own expectations, describe their dreams, and move forward to hope and healing.

This new position adds a critical component to the services we provide, and it’s another example of how the support, advocacy, and partnership you and others provide helps us transform lives every day. And best of all, it gives me something positive to ruminate over endlessly: my deep appreciation for all you do!

Cassie Mecklenburg
Executive Director

What’s Inside?

  • “You are worth the fight.”
  • Staff Spotlight: Elizabeth Craig
  • Christmas In July Recap
  • Donated cars provide gift of freedom
  • Embracing Empowerment
  • Working with WorkOne Works
  • Our beautiful boutique
  • Life skills prevent future abuse
  • And more!