It’s summer!
How will you spend your family’s time?

Join Sheltering Wings’ Prevention & Education Officer Melissa Echerd as she introduces this series of videos intended to help parents and caregivers to not only survive the summer but to thrive – all while building their kids’ character and strengths.

Sound too good to be true? Join us!

We’ll discuss topics like:

  • Do we need a summer routine?
  • Handling disappointment when summer isn’t what they thought it would be
  • How to help kids create a memorable summer
  • Helping siblings get along
  • Creative summer fun
  • Healthy digital habits
  • How to spend time with friends and maintain healthy social distance
  • and much, much more

What are Developmental Assets?

The 40 Developmental Assets® Framework, created by the Search Institute, identifies the positive life experiences and qualities young people need in order to grow up strong, becoming successful, thriving, contributing members of their community.

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Series Intro

What are developmental assets? What do they have to do with summer 2020? Meet Melissa Echerd, Prevention and Education Officer, and learn more.

Do we really need a routine?

When kids feel a sense of purpose, value and direction in their day – much like us as parents – they’re going to be more engaged and motivated and less bored and irritable.

Developmental Asset Group: Positive Values

Resources: Customizable Schedule 1 | Customizable Schedule 2

Encouraging Your Kids When Summer Isn’t What They’d Hoped it Would Be

The third video in our Summer Series answers an important question. What’s the best way to encourage my kids in the midst of a summer that simply isn’t what they’d hoped? How do you deal with your own disappointment without affecting them? It begins with listening.

Developmental Asset Group: Positive Identity

Helping Kids Cope and Create a Memorable Summer

In this, the fourth of our Growing Up Strong Summer Series, Melissa Echerd talks about how to help your kids (and yourself) cope and, along the way, to make this summer more about the memories than about what was lost.

Developmental Asset Group: Boundaries and Expectations

Helping Siblings Get Along

At this point in the Summer, we parents have participated in more than our fair share of mediating, intervening and helping resolve conflicts between the kids who live in our homes. Here are some tips for balancing all the personalities living in your home and hopefully avoiding conflict before it begins.

Developmental Asset Group: Support

Resource: Getting Along with Brothers and Sisters

Let’s Get Creative

As parents, we have all heard those dreaded words, “I’m bored,” probably more within the past few months than ever before. How do we help them foster creativity or interest in activities that stimulate and challenge them? In this video, Melissa Echerd talks about how we can help our kids use their time constructively and creatively.

Developmental Asset Group: Constructive Use of Time

Healthy Digital Habits

Screen time is one of the things many families struggle with. It’s difficult to draw hard lines when times are normal. It’s nearly impossible when you throw in a global pandemic, social distancing, quarantine, social unrest and all the other issues we are currently up against. How do we manage our kids’ screen time?

Developmental Asset Group: Commitment to Learning