We couldn’t do what we do without the dedicated support of dozens upon dozens of volunteers. Each one is special and makes a unique contribution to our mission to help survivors of domestic violence and their children build stable and independent lives.

Sometimes they go way above and beyond!

Meet the crew!

This Spring, Mark and Jayne Putman of Radiant Bible Church in Avon ran our garden project. And what a project it was! At the end of harvest, they gifted us with a photo book they created. We just had to share. (Make sure you click through to the end to see their crop report. Impressive!)

Thank you, Mark and Jayne!

What about you?

Do you have an idea − a passion you’d like to leverage for the sake of our residents and their kids? Do you love kids? Passionate about crafting? Enjoy helping people build resumes and hunt for jobs? Are you an artist?

Let us know!