If you asked most people what Sheltering Wings does, they would tell you we provide a place where victims of domestic violence and their children can life safely, with no need to fear that their abusers will be able to get to them.
It’s true, but it’s only the first step in the service we provide. When we train new staff members or speak to community groups, one of the messages we stress is that it isn’t enough to get a person out of an abusive situation. We must also help them build safe, stable and independent lives. Our goal is to help victims of domestic abuse realize their full potential, become self-sufficient and grasp the person God created them to be.
Our Life Skills program is designed to do exactly that, by determining what each individual needs to achieve that safety and stability, and then providing access to the knowledge and resources to make it happen. Whether it involves basic career training, parenting skills, household financial management, or any one of dozens of other areas, we work to the fill the gaps our residents have so they can move toward independence and fulfill their potential.
Many of those services are delivered by our staff, but many of the lessons we provide are delivered by volunteers who are eager to share their knowledge to help others. We have volunteer mentors who help our children break the cycle of abuse by creating new patterns of behaviors and mind shifts, helping them understand what is appropriate and acceptable in relationships. We have community partners who come alongside our families to ensure once they leave our facility, they still have a support network of various agencies to help them continue on their path to independence. We also have donors who ensure the sustainability of our programs, allowing us to help families set goals and achieve them.
In other words, Sheltering Wings is here to provide immediate safety in emergency situations, but the entire community joins together to create a brighter future for the people we serve. The programs and services we deliver couldn’t happen through the work of our staff alone. We rely on the expertise, generosity, and support of people like you, and consider it a privilege to work alongside you.
After all, bringing an end to domestic violence is our ultimate goal. But in the meantime, we have to ensure that victims of violence can find safety, hope, and everything they need to move into safe, stable, and independent lives.