Insider - From the Director

Asking for Help

By May 10, 2018 No Comments

As January began, I realized it was time to put my Christmas decorations away, including my eight-foot tree. It took just a couple seconds to realize I’d never be able to lift that tree into my attic by myself, so I asked for help. Instead of having to make 15 or more trips up and down the ladder, my helper handed all my totes up to me, and the job took minutes instead of hours. Asking for help can be humbling, but I’m so thankful I have a support network I can lean on.

I remember that when the voice on the intercom says “crisis call, line one.” It means someone brave is making an important call that could mean the difference between being afraid and finding lasting hope, living in danger or resting in security, and maybe even life or death. That brave person is about to discover their own support network that’s willing to house them safely, and then help them build a stable and independent life, free from the threat of abuse.

Did you know you’re part of our support network? By coming alongside Sheltering Wings with your donations, your volunteer work, and your prayers, you help answer that phone every time it rings. Thank you for being the reinforcements that help us do so much for so many!

Sheltering Wings Spring Newsletter 2018