Can I help prevent domestic violence?


No matter your role, age, personality, experience or level of comfort, you can help prevent domestic violence. Prevention begins at home but it extends throughout your sphere of influence. Educate yourself. Build up the people around you. Remain vigilant for the signs and symptoms of abuse. And, know how to respond when someone confides in you.

Together, we can build a stronger, healthier community – a community free from domestic violence, intimate partner violence, teen dating violence and all other forms of abuse.

Depending on your role, click on the boxes below to learn about preventing abuse.

I am a Friend or Relative

When you think someone you love is a victim of domestic abuse, how will you respond?

I am a Community Member

You can reduce domestic violence in and around your community.

I am a Faith Leader

When a congregation member shares that he or she is a victim of domestic abuse, will you be ready?

I am an Employer or Coworker

When domestic violence affects the workplace, will you know how to respond?

I am a Youth Worker

Know what to do before a young person confides in you.

Become an Asset Builder

Learn about using the 40 Developmental Assets Framework at home and in the community.


About Domestic Violence

Educate yourself about domestic and intimate partner violence.

Safety Planning

Be prepared in the event you need to flee from your abuser.

Non-Shelter Services

Find out how Sheltering Wings can serve you even if you don’t need shelter.

Community Resources

Access additional supports in Hendricks County and across Central Indiana.

For more information about preventing abuse, contact Melissa Echerd at (317) 386-5061.