Leaving an abuser is so difficult that most victims of domestic violence never ask for help. Worse yet, across the country, 40% of the people killed by their abuser will have asked for help before their death. (US Health & Human Services)
So, when someone calls or messages Sheltering Wings, we’re going to be there.
We answer our helpline 24/7/365. When we discern that they are in danger, we get the caller (and their kids) to safety and shelter right away. If they cannot get here on their own, then we get creative. Police officers, Lyft drivers, pastors and concerned neighbors have all provided transportation at all hours of the day and night.
(Read a real emergency Facebook Messenger exchange.)
Once here, they get a clean, comfortable room behind locked doors, medical care as needed and connections to legal assistance. We even try to arrange pet care since they’re part of the family, too.