Are you ready for a challenge?

As men, we are seen to be the leaders of our household; that is a responsibility that we should all take with great pride. My challenge to all of us is this: let’s serve our families joyfully.

“In every challenge lives a greater opportunity.” – Jeffrey Benjamin

It is easy to get frustrated when asked to do something extra around the house. Something that maybe doesn’t fit in our ordinary role or might take us away from what we really want to be doing. What is harder is to do that extra work joyfully. We should relish this opportunity because that is exactly what it is, an opportunity to be the men our families need. The men that our families want to emulate. The men who can set the tone for our entire community.

I would love to see our community filled with men who are joyfully serving their families. By doing this, we would accomplish so many things. We would show those around us what it means to be servant leaders. We show our families what it means to be true, godly leaders of our households. If we can do this in our own homes, imagine the transformation that can take place all around us. Our homes would be full of people who are trying to out-serve each other. With that mindset and attitude, we would change the environments in our neighborhoods, our churches, and our community. Our passion would spread, interaction by interaction, and we would begin to see change all around us. By starting to serve joyfully today, we can change the course of our families, and affect everyone we meet every day.

So take that step. Do the things we usually don’t usually, easily or naturally do. Serve. And do it joyfully.

Stay Creative,
Derik Hughes
A Man IN Action

P.S. Guys, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to register to participate in Men IN Action READ. It’s coming up on March 19. And, it’s a perfect opportunity to step up and take on the challenge you’ve just read!