Help us PAY IT FORWARD on January 12, 2022!

Sheltering Wings is celebrating its 20th anniversary on January 12, 2022! That’s 20 years of safety and 20 years of breaking the cycle. To celebrate, we are hosting a Pay It Forward initiative! We are asking you to Pay It Forward in your community! This can be bringing your coworker a cup of coffee in the morning, paying for the person behind you in the drive-through, offering to take out your neighbor’s trash, or any other random acts of kindness!

Thank you for your partnership with Sheltering Wings and for helping us celebrate this special day.  We couldn’t do what we do without your support. We’re better together!

After completing your act of kindness, tell us about it! Share your experience on social media with the hashtag #PayItForward, and don’t forget to tag us @shelteringwings!

Share this message on social media to encourage others to participate.

I’m celebrating Sheltering Wings’ 20th anniversary by paying it forward! Help me keep the kindness going! #PayItForward @shelteringwings