Good day, everyone!
I’d like to say THANK YOU to all who attended the Men In Action breakfast and heard the message that I shared. For those who missed the breakfast, I’d like to mention the pointers that worked for me and maybe will help you as you coach & teach the youth.
Filter in what I suggest and try it. If it doesn’t work, throw it away and do what you did to get to this level.
Control your emotions. Keeping one’s composure when times are tense gets you through many situations.
Pause, Read & React. Observe, think of the next step, and then do what is needed.
Encouragement. Who couldn’t use this?
Be Polite. Instead of telling someone that they’re wrong, try this. “We didn’t have success with this attempt, so let’s try this way the next time”.
Explain the reason for your request. I need help putting the basketballs in the bag. If we lose one, they are very expensive.
Respect for others. Telling the other team or player they did well shows sportsmanship. Keep in mind that the referee had one angle to see the play. Maybe if he or she was in a different position, they may have called it another way.
Be Honest. If you’re not sure of the answer, ask if you can have some time to research the answer. By using these “tidbits”, you’ll have the best outcome. Years from now, that child will come back (maybe as a parent) and say THANK YOU for helping me as a child.
Best Wishes,
Tony Maners
Sports Official
A Man IN Action
If you attended the Men IN Action Breakfast, please complete this survey! We’d love to hear your feedback! Click here for the survey.

Celebrate, Create, Connect!
Join us on Thursday, October 20, for Celebrate, Create, Connect at Sheltering Wings! This is a community event where we’ll celebrate survivors of domestic violence! There will be a Resource Fair with community partners from 2-5pm, followed by a Reception from 6-7:30pm! At the reception, you’ll hear a survivor share their testimony, County Commissioner Bob Gentry read the proclamation, see the unveiling of the collaborative community art piece, and more!
Save the Date for the 2023 Premier Event, Tomorrow’s Hope Begins Today!
Join us on Friday, May 5, 2023 for our Premier Event, Tomorrow’s Hope Begins Today, featuring Tony Dungy! Learn more and find tickets and sponsorship information at