We have all heard or possibly used the phrase “curiosity killed the cat”. I feel that this statement is used even more by men to stop the incessant question of, “why?” especially by children. Anyone that has spent extended periods of time speaking with a child has experienced the “but why” question. This normally continues for at least 10 minutes of continual “but why” because of their natural curiosity of life. I know I am guilty of ending these conversations with the a loud “because, that is why, just because.”
The interesting thing is that this phrase came from Ben Jonson’s play Every Man in His Humour in 1598. The wording used at that time was “What, courage man! what though care killed a cat, thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care.” Care used in the context of this play meant worry or sorrow.
It just goes to show we so often take something out of context and then change it to fit our current needs or desires. 2010 was one of the lowest times of my life. I was separated from my wife and struggling through mental and emotional pain of past “stuff”. My curiosity led me to start reading the Bible every day. I decided to read one chapter in Psalms and Proverbs everyday for 30 days. This was not out of a desire to learn about God or change my life; it was simply out of curiosity.
God used my curiosity to meet me where I was and dramatically change my life. Jesus says in Matthew 7:7-8; “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened”.
Let us not be men who stifle the curiosity of our children but be open to their curiosity and questions about the world. We must be men grounded in the Word and comfortable with the question of, “why?” You never know what goodness can grow from these conversations.
Jared McKee
Director of Public Safety
A Man IN Action

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