As a local business owner, one focused on building relationships with people, knowing how to work with and understand people from all walks of life is essential. I also coach youth sports in the community. We come across different people every day. Some are flying high, living their best lives and things could not be any better. Others are in an “OK” part of life – ends are being met but they are neither thriving nor retreating. And, still others are in the lowest of lows and are in despair and suffering. Yet, what do we “see” when we look at the person across from us? Do we think to ourselves – “Oh, they’ve got it made, look at that Mercedes he drives!” Or “Man, at least I am not as bad as that guy who looks like he is living in his ’85 Chevette!” These are surface level judgements that we make day-in and day-out and often times they could not be further from the truth.

Taking a deep dive into people and seeking to understand who they are is critical. And, in my opinion, is a characteristic that many are lacking today. We don’t want to take the time to understand, we only have conversations so we can reply and insert our own experiences and not to truly listen or to help by simply being there.

In life, just as in business or coaching, we succeed by being there for others. We serve others and help them meet their goals and dreams. How? It is simple! Take the time to build a relationship, to listen for understanding, to be a resource for their future. This process is part being conversant and finding our commonalities (relationship), part therapist (listening), and part educator (being a resource.) But it is all 100% being a HUMAN.

Being a part of Men IN Action over the last several years and participating in events such as Men In Action READ and the annual breakfast in October has demonstrated the need for positive, relationship based role models for our youth. Girls and boys of all ages need a strong, compassionate, caring male influence in their lives. Statistics show that the need is greater now than ever before. And it all comes down to building a relationship, understanding that every single person we cross paths with every day of our lives, is carrying around things they wish they could be better at, something they are ashamed of. Be the difference-maker in someone’s life today by going beyond the surface and shallow assessments, and seek to understand, to learn and to provide a positive male role-model for others.

I ask you to be a Man IN Action and know that our youth and community are watching our every move. Be positive, be caring, be human – be a Man IN Action!

Robb Dure
Men IN Action Committee Member
A Man IN Action

Interested in writing for Men IN Action?

Each month our emails feature a Man IN Action from our community.  If you are interested in writing a piece for our monthly correspondence click here.

Everyone’s an Asset Builder

Join us for our Everyone’s an Asset Builder training on June 19th! In this training, we’ll discover how you can make a positive impact in the lives of children in the community!

Click here to learn more!