“Where’s the party?”

Yes, many things still are very different from what we anticipated for 2021. It’s just another reason we are so grateful to all our supporters for allowing Sheltering Wings’ residents to have safe housing, build stable and independent lives and celebrate milestones – masks and all!

With gratitude,

Cassie Mecklenburg
Executive Director

Wish List

You can help  our residents and their children by donating items from our wish list. Download and print a shopping list visit the store or use our Amazon wish list and let them handle the delivery.

SWag Shop

Share an encouraging message, support Sheltering Wings and look sharp doing it!

2021 Premier Event

Traditionally, this highly anticipated event takes place in February. In order to plan a safe event, we have decided to schedule the 2021 Premier Event in late Spring or early Summer. Watch your mailbox and inbox for an exciting announcement coming soon!

The calendar has turned and 2020 is behind us (thank goodness!), though we’re still taking precautions at the start of a new year. Despite all the challenges, really good things have been happening at Sheltering Wings, and I want to share a story that unfolded right in front me and gladdened my heart.

I was walking down a hallway when a woman came around the corner pushing a stroller festooned with balloons. A second woman almost danced after her – she was wearing a feathered tiara! A third then turned the corner juggling a handful of cupcakes. They were all laughing at something that started before I saw them.

“Where’s the party?” I asked as they offered me a cupcake. Turns out they’d just celebrated the birthday of one resident and had a baby shower for another. How fun!

It’s so cool to see friendships develop among our residents, people who have shared experiences and want to celebrate life’s milestones together (even when they do so with protective restrictions for safety).

But the significance of these particular relationships isn’t lost on me. For those who are abused, celebrations usually devolve into just another tool of manipulation, pain and control. For others, reasons to celebrate are simply ignored by abusers – or victims don’t even bring them up out of fear. So moments where building relationships and community is on display at Sheltering Wings are heartwarming to witness.

Yes, many things still are very different from what we anticipated for 2021. It’s just another reason we are so grateful to all our supporters for allowing Sheltering Wings’ residents to have safe housing, build stable and independent lives and celebrate milestones – masks and all!