It was late the night Tamara came in … so late, she was in her pajamas.
She’d come straight from the hospital with nothing but her purse.
Word quickly spread throughout the women’s section of Sheltering Wings the next morning: “The new resident has nothing.” Spontaneously, the residents began pooling their Nook Bucks to get Tamara the items she’d need during the first few days of her time at Sheltering Wings.
The Nook is a small shop inside Sheltering Wings where residents can buy nice clothing, makeup, jewelry and other personal items. The Nook doesn’t take cash. Residents must earn special “Nook Bucks” by working around the shelter and maintaining their own areas. Many save up for quite some time to get generously donated items like a Vera Bradley purse, Clinique cosmetics, a PuraVida bracelet or even a birthday card for their child.
So it’s remarkably generous that residents pooled their hard-earned Nook Bucks to buy Tamara the personal items nearly every woman needs – along with some things that just help people feel good about themselves.
This fall, as you once again ponder whether what you’ll do with your extra personal care items, give thanks that you had the resources to buy them … then consider donating them to The Nook at Sheltering Wings. Generous domestic violence survivors may get together to buy your item for a new resident … and both the givers and recipient will feel a joyous sense of worth they sorely need.
It’s just another example of the journey our residents take together when they walk through the doors at Sheltering Wings, thanks to your support.
P.S. If you need ideas for what to donate, please check our wish list. (And, don’t forget about our male residents; they use the Nook, too!) Even if you don’t have items sitting around to donate, you can order items through our Amazon wish list and they’ll be delivered … just in time for Christmas!