Do you remember learning how to ride a bike with no training wheels for the first time? This recently occurred for one youngster at Sheltering Wings. Her big brother held on to the bike, running alongside her as she yelled, “But I’m so scared! Don’t let go!” He encouraged her all along the way, “It’s ok. I’ve got you. I won’t let you fall.” And sure enough, after a lap or two around our bike path, she got the hang of it.

Oh the wind in your hair, speed you gain and sense of pride you feel that you’re doing it on your own! It is one of the most exhilarating feelings when you take off the training wheels.

This is not unlike how many of our residents feel when they save enough for an apartment, pass their high school equivalency exam, or get a job. Freedom! Self-sufficiency! It’s not enough to simply help a person get out of an abusive relationship, we help them build stable and independent lives.