Brown Township Trustee(317) 852-0899
Trustees can assist eligible township residents with food, medical care, clothing, household goods, shelter, school clothing, utilities, limited transportation, fuel oil, coal, and burial expense. The trustee acts as the township assessor. The assessor identifies, lists and calculates the assessed value of all real and personal property in their township.
Center Township Trustee–Danville(317) 745-2813
Clay Township Trustee–Coatesville(765) 386-2049
Communtiy Action Heating Assistance Program(317) 745-2642
Eel River Township Trustee–North Salem(765) 676-6615
Guilford Township Trustee–Plainfield(317) 838-0564
Hendricks Co. Division of Family & Children(317) 272-4917
Liberty Township Trustee–Clayton(317) 539-7944
Lincoln Township Trustee–Brownsburg(317) 852-8745
Marion Township Trustee–Danvile(317) 539-4024
Middle Township Trustee–Pittsboro(317) 892-5000
Red Cross – Hendricks County(317) 839-8027 or (317) 745-2580
Childcare Voucher Program/Children’s Bureau(317) 545-5284 ext 204
Union Township Trustee–Lizton(317) 994-5506
Washington Township Trustee–Avon(317) 272-1835