A Call to Lead and Serve

As most of you know, children across Hendricks County are born every year into homes that will be broken by abusive fathers. Through personal and professional life experiences, I know all too well the negative effects this type of abusive behavior can have on our community. I have no doubt my upbringing played an integral role in my decision to serve the public through law enforcement for the past 24 years.

I was blessed to have several positive male role models in my life growing up, understanding that without these men, my life may have taken quite a different path. My grandfather was one of these positive men, always leading by example while serving God and his family with integrity.

With 2020 in our rearview mirrors, we look to the future with anticipation of what 2021 will bring. I ask you to pledge to yourself and your family, promising to do more and be more this year. Take every opportunity afforded to you, leading your family and your community by example with integrity. Be that helping hand, that voice of reason, that positive example of how great men should lead not only when in the public eye but also when behind closed doors.

We must continue to be intentional in our actions and hold each other accountable in 2021.

Be a man of action, with Men IN Action!

Captain Jack Sadler
Enforcement Division Commander
Hendricks County Sheriff’s Office

Join an Action Group

You have the biggest influence in the areas you are passionate about serving in and Men IN Action wants to help equip you to have a greater impact in those areas. We encourage you to join one of our action groups that fits an area that you are already connected to without adding another commitment to your calendar.

Support Our Efforts

If you would like to help grow the reach of Men IN Action and support their community initiatives, donate here.