I remember the first time I watched my nephew and his friends play the video game, Fortnite. All I could tell was they fought with something that looked like a paint roller and the characters had cool dance moves. They tried to explain what they were doing as they went along, but I just didn’t get it.

I’d forgotten how hard it is for adults to learn new things!

Then I thought about our residents and the learning that goes on at Sheltering Wings, especially in our life-skills classes. (Life skills training is one of our four primary program areas.) Life skills are those abilities and behaviors we need to handle the demands in our daily lives:

  • How to make decisions
  • How to bounce back after negative experiences
  • How to communicate our needs and listen to others

Some of our residents need to learn these skills for the first time. For various reasons, they didn’t have role models growing up who demonstrated these behaviors for them to emulate. Other residents who did have a parent or other adults who saw to their development arrive at Sheltering Wings having lost some of these life skills through their abuse. Statements like “It was easier just to be quiet and do what he/she wanted” and “I don’t know who I am anymore” are said often here.

Our staff works hard to help residents identify and master the life skills they need to live independent, fulfilling lives and break the cycle of abuse. Residents like Brenda, who started our Life Skills classes believing, “I’m too dumb. I can’t even turn on a computer,” end up earning college degrees and securing full-time jobs. (Brenda now runs a daycare.)

We all can learn when we help each other.

Maybe I’ll call the boys and give Fortnite another try – while social distancing, of course!

With gratitude,

Cassie Mecklenburg
Executive Director

P.S. Today is a global day of generosity in response to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, #GivingTuesdayNOW. Would you consider making a donation to Sheltering Wings to help us sustain life-changing programs and services for the men, women and children who are escaping domestic abuse at Sheltering Wings? Every dollar helps!