Being the husband of the Executive Director at Sheltering Wings, one might imagine I get roped into doing many events. I wouldn’t say I get roped. Rather, I’m given the opportunity and the answer is almost always, “Yes.” I do it because it’s a great opportunity for me to get involved and be a part of an awesome organization. I have the chance to impact people around me.

At the Shelter’s Christmas event last year, I noticed one boy playing with his gift from Santa. It was a football. He spent a few minutes tossing it around to himself before he asked if I could throw it with him. We spent the remainder of the evening hanging out and throwing the football.

I can’t imagine what it would be like not to have my father as a positive influence in my life.

What I can do is take time to get involved at the request of a boy who wants to throw a football. I can take time later this month and give pointers and encouragement while I judge a dunk contest at the annual Hop for Hope event, where teens from the Teens that Talk group facilitate conversations with other teens about healthy relationships. I can also take a morning next month and join Men IN Action READ where I’ll read a book and interact with children in one of our local schools.

We don’t always know the impact we have on others.

But I do know I can find time in my life to attend events where I might have to opportunity to be a positive influence on youth around me and help them understand the importance of trust, honor and respect for others. The answer for that is always, “Yes!”

When is your next opportunity? I hope you say “Yes!”

A Man IN Action,
Nick Mecklenburg