Thank you to all who were able to attend the 3rd Annual Men IN Action Breakfast this week. It was a great morning of encouragement, fellowship and of course a delicious breakfast.

Our speakers Justin White, Kent Wright and Andy Dix had valuable insights to share with us and we hope that you found the morning added hope and value to your day. Here’s just a snippet of what we heard:

“The opposite of addiction is connection. … We are servants of a King who loves us and who will never leave us or forsake us.” 
– Justin White –

“God wants men who are going to be 100 percent in everything we do: being a father, being a husband, being a spiritual leader in the home, and being a community leader.”
– Kent Wright –

“How has your life been shaped? At some point, you’re going to be the perfect fit for someone who needs you. The question is: Will you show up?”
– Andy Dix –

For everyone who has been a part of Men IN Action, we want you to know about some fantastic upcoming opportunities to continue working together to make a positive impact in our community:

  • Sign up to attend Everyone’s an Asset Builder on November 4
  • Register to participate in Men IN Action READ on March 19, 2020
  • Find out how to get more involved with Men IN Action by emailing us

To all of you, thank you for the work you do every single day – in your homes, at your places of business, in your neighborhoods and at your churches – to make our community a better, stronger place.

Serving Together,
Men IN Action Committee