Everyone on our staff takes turns washing dishes. While not everyone shares my sentiment, it’s a task I enjoy. Doing dishes gives me an excuse to hang out in the kitchen and talk with our families. Some of my favorite conversations happen there … like the one I recently had with two women who are both ready to move out of our shelter.

Each have been here for almost two years. One has been hired as a caregiver; the other is most excited about giving her little girl a room of her own. What a celebration as they get ready to start stable, independent lives!

During October, Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, we will take time to celebrate the people whose lives have been saved from domestic abuse, and we’ll mourn the people we lost. It is a month where we push the gas pedal on sharing our message of hope, the resources we have to share –and how you can be our partner in preventing abuse.

Please join us at one of our events or, at the very least, share our Facebook posts throughout the month to advocate for victims of domestic abuse. We can’t break the cycle of abuse without you! Thank you for all you do.

In His Service,

Cassie Mecklenburg
Executive Director

P.S. – If you’re on social media, help us raise awareness by tagging us and by using #PreventionInPractice, #AwarenessInAction and #DomesticViolenceAwareness