Did you realize the workplace is one of the most dangerous places for a victim of domestic abuse, especially after a victim decides to leave his or her abuser?
There are two reasons for that. The first is the fact that domestic violence is all about control, and when a victim leaves home, the abuser is losing that all-important control. The abusive behavior tends to become significantly more intense and violent as the abuser desperately tries to bring the victim back into control.
The second reason is that no matter where a victim may escape to — a friend’s house, a hotel room, or a shelter — the abuser knows exactly where that victim will be during working hours. Far too many employers lack formal programs to provide extra security for victims.
It’s not an isolated problem. Three-quarters of domestic abuse victims report their abusers have harassed them in the workplace. And if that doesn’t convince an employer of the danger, consider that American companies lose nearly $728 million in productivity and 7.9 million workdays to domestic abuse every year.
Sheltering Wings offers free training to help employers strengthen their understanding of domestic violence. We can show them simple steps they can take that will dramatically enhance the safety of an employee who is facing abuse, and we also have resource cards and information that companies can place in restrooms, break rooms, locker rooms, and other areas.
If your company doesn’t have a plan for dealing with domestic violence, please encourage your supervisor or HR department to contact us. Your willingness to step forward may literally save someone’s life.

Cassie Martin
Executive Director