
Bloom Where You’re Planted

By March 20, 2011 No Comments

Last week’s staff meeting here at the shelter began with prayer and bible study (led by one of our Case Managers), and she began the study with this saying – “Bloom Where You’re Planted”. Ever since she said that I’ve thought of that phrase as I go about my day, praying that God will use me in His perfect way, a way in which only He can do. He blesses every one of us with time, talents and treasures, yet each of us are unique in the way that He made us. We each have special gifts. What I’m realizing is that I need to use the gifts God gave me to touch the lives of others right where I am – the lives of the women and children here, the volunteers, the staff, the community – sharing my heart and my life with them. God puts opportunities in our path each and every day. Bloom where you’re planted. Have a blessed week!